R-value is a measure of insulation’s capacity to withstand heat loss or gain. The greater the R-value of a substance, the better it insulates. If you need more ideas you can check in https://www.proguardexteriors.co.uk/what-is-k-render/. Before you start shopping for insulation, you should know how much you already have in each room of your house, so do the following
Examine the attic
This is the most critical area in your home for sufficient insulation. Because access is good and the only equipment you need are a flashlight and a ruler or yardstick, this is generally the simplest area for “do-it-yourselfers” to figure out how much insulation is there.
Examine the walls
Unless you plan to add new siding to your home or complete an unfinished room, it’s tough to add insulation to existing walls. There are, however, insulating technologies that can raise the R-value to the required amount.
Checking around electrical outlets in the walls is one way to see if the outside walls are insulated. Be sure to turn off the electricity beforehand. Remove the cover plates and shine a flashlight into the crack around each outlet box to examine whether there is insulation in the wall. Check separate outlets on the first and second floors, as well as in different areas of the home, because wall insulation in one wall does not always indicate that it is in other walls.
If you can’t see insulation around the outlets, remove a section of baseboard moulding or panelling to expose an exterior wall cavity, cut a hole in the wall of a closet or cabinet that faces an outside wall, go to the attic and look down openings in the top plates of exterior walls, or remove a small section of exterior siding. You can even contact K-rendering service from https://www.proguardexteriors.co.uk/what-is-k-render/
Examine the area underneath the floors
Examine the underside of any floor that is above an unheated area, such as a garage, basement, or crawlspace. Examine and measure the thickness of the insulation you discover. To determine the R-value of foam board or sprayed-on foam insulation, utilise any visible label information or multiply the thickness in inches by 5.