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To enable efficient administration and compliance, the company secretary plays an integral part in the organization. A competent company secretary knowledgeable in corporate governance, company law and other regulatory frameworks can provide valuable services.

The essential link between the board of directors and management

The company secretary usually acts as a go-between among the board of directors of a company and critical members of its management team. On regulatory and governance issues, they advise the board. Moreover, you are present at meetings to ensure that all rules, processes and compliance requirements corresponding to relevant laws are followed through adequately. Such officers do planning meetings, make agendas, circulate notices, take minutes, communicate board resolutions to management, and monitor progress.

Compliance monitoring and reporting

Strict compliance reporting by organizations has become necessary due to changing regulatory policies. An experienced company secretary has extensive knowledge of corporation law compliance requirements, including securities regulation, labor laws etc. The regulatory authorities are responsible for filing and submitting annual forms and returns reports on time.

Corporate governance and ethics

They also monitor the implementation within the organization, such as statutory policies. Statutory policy adaptation monitoring mechanisms related to party transactions, remunerations, etc., also involve qualified CSs who monitor their observance within an organization. In addition, they constantly scrutinize corporate processes, including documents, as well as conduct audits to ensure efficiency in the execution of directorial responsibilities now that these things fall under their jurisdiction together with general standards regarding governance issues, which they uphold with utmost seriousness, thus fostering ethical business practices for others too.

General counsel and trustee

Company secretarial services singapore are privy to classified intra-company information and board room deliberations by their office. Advice on matters such as succession planning, corporate reorganizations, corporate actions and dispute resolution is usually sought from them by directors and promoters.

Effective coordination of meetings.

Not only do company secretaries organize general meetings, special meetings, board meetings and committee meetings, but they also take care of the whole process, which includes issuing notices and proxy forms and accurately recording minutes thereof. They provide logistical support for meetings besides keeping directors informed about statutory meeting procedures, voting requirements etc.

Legal records custodian

Keeping records is a requirement under law about essential areas like members’ registers, directors’/office-bearers’ office-bearers’/positions held, minutes books, etc. Company secretaries ensure these records are guarded safely and updated to be available on demand to any authorized interested parties.


A unique company secretary is knowledgeable of regulatory frameworks and operational dynamics and offers a range of services required for smooth organizational functioning and reputation management.